02071171022 - Whose Number?

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Country: United Kingdom

Number of views: 33 x

All formats of the phone number:
02071171022, +442071171022, (020) 71171022

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Dangerous Stay far away!!! I received a fax from this number that is very likely a phishing scam. It was from "David Sedgwic Solicitors, Barrister & Solicitors. The address listed was 14 Wyndham Street Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan, CF31 1EF, United Kingdom with a phone numbers listed of +44 20 8638 5534 and a different fax number listed of +44 20 7022 8704. There's also an email listed of info@davidsedgwicllp.com and website if davidsedgwicllp.com. Mentioned in the fax was that there is an unclaimed "permanent life insurance policy" held by their deceased client (Mr. Alan Fisher) who worked with Energy Company in the UK. Then it includes a statement that since the person who received it has that same last name and nationality of the deceased that they could consent to be in partnership with them to claim the policy benefit.

02071171022 - 23.9.2020, 18:22

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