07931525912 - Whose Number?

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Country: United Kingdom

Number of views: 56 x

All formats of the phone number:
07931525912, +447931525912, (079) 31525912

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Unfortunately our database does not have owner information for number 07931525912. Check the comments below for this phone number.


Normal I would consider this call as annoying and not normal as previously stated.

07931525912 - 10.6.2021, 22:42

Normal Received a call from this number, answered and there was no reply. I returned the call. Initially, an English sounding person answered. I explained that a call was received from this number. The accent then changes to one of an Asian descent, asking me if I am mad as no-one has made a call from that number for over 2 hours. I explained that this number definitely called me a few seconds ago and I was just returning the call. He denied making the call but attempted to continue ridiculing me . I told him that I would never had gained the number had the call not been made from it to my number. I then terminated the call

07931525912 - 10.6.2021, 22:41

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